Tremolio Tremolo

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LP Special w/P-90's into Fender Tweed Super

A nice sounding, easy to use, transistor based tremolo. Low current draw and not so "on/off" sounding so it works well at slower speeds.

It's also doubles as a really sweet sounding pre-amp/boost! Just set the depth all the way down to "0" to take the lfo out of circuit and you are left with just the JFET pre-amp.

Depth controls the depth of the tremolo effect. CCW is a shallower depth, CW is a deeper depth. Rate controls the speed of the tremolo effect CCW is a slower effect and CW is a faster effect. Volume is output level.

Hand wired construction with free standing jacks. This pedal should stand the test of time but if something does go wrong, it's designed to be worked on easily. No need to throw it in the trash or the non working pedal pile.

$149.99 Plus $10.00 shipping