OxDx Overdrive

1 / 6
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5 / 6
6 / 6

Tone: 5, Sweep Drive, then Drive: 5, Sweep Tone. Volume: 7 (unity) and Clipping enabled throughout

A traditional overdrive circuit with no buffers and a switch to lift the clipping section out of circuit. Tonally it is rather bright with a mid range presence and a thicker low end than a Tube Screamer. An excellent choice for classic rock, 70's - 90's punk and 80's metal and thrash. Due to the absence of buffers, it is more dynamic and responsive to your touch and plays with your instruments volume and tone controls better.

Drive is the amount of overdrive, Volume is output level, and Tone is an active tone control that follows a low pass filter that boosts treble.

The Clip switch changes between clipping diodes and no clipping. The clipping section is an asymmetrical configuration using two 1N914 diodes and an LED. You get the smoother more "tube like" sound of a asymmetrical clipping section but with more crunch and a little more output.

The op-amp (LM833) is socketed so you can try different compatible dual op-amps with no soldering.

Hand wired construction with free standing jacks. This pedal should stand the test of time but if something does go wrong, it's designed to be worked on easily. No need to throw it in the trash or the non working pedal pile.

$149.99 + $10.00 for shipping
