Bloody Camel Toe Overdrive

The Bloody Camel Toe is a CMOS overdrive built around the CD4049 Hex Inverter. Many textures are available from this simple unit. From lightly overdriven boost to thick, chewy, saturated distortion.

Volume controls the output volume of the effect. Unity to the bypass signal on this pedal is around 2-3 o’clock.

Drive controls how dirty you are. Lower settings yeild an articulate, light, overdrive sound. As you turn it up it starts getting fuzzier but doesn’t get muddy. It really does sound somewhere between a fuzz and an overdrive.

Hand wired construction with free standing jacks. This pedal should stand the test of time but if something does go wrong, it's designed to be worked on easily. No need to throw it in the trash or the non working pedal pile.

$140.00 + $10.00 for shipping